If you continue to experience any issues or have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at support.aquasec.com. We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth experience using our services.
Thank you for your continued trust and support.
Posted Jun 13, 2023 - 21:08 UTC
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Posted Jun 13, 2023 - 21:07 UTC
Due to the outage of AWS us-east-1, we are experiencing service disruptions in our Aqua SaaS main service.
Due to the AWS outage in us-east-1, Aqua SaaS Service including sign-in and scan reporting, as well as all other pages in the Aqua UI are experiencing high latency and error rates. While the console may not be accessible, deployed enforcers are still running, and workload protection is not impacted.
Posted Jun 13, 2023 - 19:41 UTC
This incident affected: Aqua Cloud Core Services (Aqua Cloud API Status, Aqua Cloud Console Status), CSPM (Cloud Account Scanning, Real-Time Events Service), Image Scanning (Vulnerability Scanning, Dynamic Threat Analysis (DTA) Scanning), and ESE (ESE).